
Now is a “make or break” time for hotel operators to get their pricing right using a well-thought-out pricing strategy.

Each customer has different motives on why they buy, their experience expectations, what their needs are and a level of willingness to pay at a certain price point for a great experience. To generate the maximum profit from room reservations, meetings and events or food and beverage sales, you’ll need as a hotel operator to adopt a robust approach to your pricing strategy. How you, as a hotel...

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How to grow your hotel’s direct bookings.

With such a large proportion of business and leisure travel researched and booked online now, it is critical that your property has an impactful online presence. By 2020 the travel industry will have the highest percentage of online payments in relation to all sales than any other industry. Some 44 percent of travel sales and bookings are expected to occur online through either desktop or mob...

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How to find your hotel’s brand voice in a crowded marketplace.

The reason a customer buys from you rather than a competitor can be rather complex to understand. It’s easy to assume that a guest is looking only for the cheapest room, motivated by price. But in fact, each prospective guest goes through a decision making process, a journey with different touch points or stages as they go from a point of discovery through to the final decision to buy. Each s...

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Smarta prissättningsstrategier för små hotell och operatörer

För att generera maximalt med vinst från en rumsreservation så kommer du som hotelloperatör att behöva anamma ett robust angreppssätt till er prissättningstrategi. Hur ni som hotell sätter era priser kan ha en direkt inverkan på hur sista raden ser ut och vad ni har för rykte om er i marknaden. Att ta fram en prissättningsstrategi Att sänka priserna kan initialt skapa lite intresse i er produ...

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5 ways technology can change the way operators manage the hotel guest experience.

Digital savvy customers expect a lot from anything that they buy. They have done their research, know probably more than you do about a product and service having found the pros and cons of what is on offer – and ultimately decided to buy when everything is right for them.The hotel industry is not famous for being on the cutting edge of technology, but recently there have been so many disruptiv...

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